
In the Sali Lab

If you are working in the Sali lab, you don’t need to build and install MiST - it is already set up for you as a module. Just run module load mist to load it.


  • Python 2.6 or later (Python 3 should work too).
  • The scikit-learn Python package. The sklearn package is expected to be found in the standard Python search path (e.g. PYTHONPATH).
  • nose is also needed to run the test suite (recommended but not essential).

In the Sali lab, running module load python/scikit will get all of these dependencies.


Use make test to test the library, and make install to install it. In most cases you will need to tell make where to install (if running on a Linux cluster, MiST will need to be installed on a network-accessible filesystem) with something like make PREFIX=/shared/mist install.